(provisional translation)

1 February 2022

Resolution regarding the serious human rights situation in
Xinjiang Uighur and other areas

House of Representatives
National Diet of Japan      

The House of Representatives resolves as follows:

In recent years, the international community has expressed concern over serious human rights situations including infringement of freedom of religion and forced incarceration in places including Xinjiang Uighur, Tibet, Southern Mongolia and Hong Kong. As human rights are of universal value, issues associated with them are matters of legitimate concern for the global community; they are not confined to the internal affairs of a country.

In these circumstances, many voices have been raised to seek support from the international community by those people who state that they are being oppressed and unilaterally denied their democratic rights. In response, there is a growing movement in the international community to respond to this call, with a country having legislated that it will provide assistance to those people. Serious concerns over the human rights situation have been shared at various occasions including Japan-US and G7 Summit meetings.

Given these circumstances, Japan, which proclaims respecting human rights as a principle, is expected to make a constructive commitment with a firm position by adopting a substantive and solid political document, to guide Japan's human rights diplomacy.

The House of Representatives of Japan regards changing the status quo through force, as seen with the serious human rights situation, as a threat to the international community, and strongly calls for accountability for this serious issue in a manner acceptable to the international community.

The Government of Japan should, with this understanding, first gather information in order to ascertain the full scope of this serious human rights situation. This should be done based on fundamental values including freedom, democracy and the rule of law while respecting the culture, traditions and autonomy of ethnic groups. At the same time, the government should, in cooperation with the international community, monitor the serious human rights situation and employ comprehensive measures to help those people in need.

The House of Representatives
1-7-1 Nagatacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0014, Japan


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