I am NUKAGA Fukushiro, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Japan.
The National Diet of Japan is the highest organ of state power and the sole law-making organ of the state. The House of Representatives forms the National Diet together with the House of Councillors.
To respond to the mandate from the people, the House conducts various activities, including making laws, passing the fiscal budget, and approving treaties. Our House carries out these activities to live up to the people's expectations and trust and to fulfill its role as the highest organ of state power based on the principles of the Constitution. The House also conducts investigations on a wide range of government measures, which has become increasingly important in recent years.
Our website provides information to familiarize the public with the composition of our House and its activities. This includes activities and discussions at plenary sittings and committees, the status of deliberations of budgets, bills and petitions, and also the names of our House Members and their in-house groups.
The website also has information on the Parliamentary Museum, which was established to deepen public understanding of parliamentary democracy, and on procedures to observe plenary sittings and to take part in Diet tours, to help bring the Diet closer to the people.
To close, I hope that our website will help everyone, including those who are abroad, further deepen their understanding of and interest in the National Diet of Japan.
NUKAGA Fukushiro
House of Representatives